19 de jun. de 2008

English vocabulary exercises


Exercise 01

Exercise 02

Exercise 03

Exercise 04


Exercise 01

Exercise 02

Exercise 03

5 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Boa Noite!!

Olá meu nome é Douglas Oliveira, e acessei o BLOG da Escola e está muito bom, é ótimo iniciativas com esta, Parabéns a todos mas gostaria de lhes fazer um convite:

Gostaria de convidá-los para visitar o nosso BLOG, que foi criado especialmente para pessoas como você, envolvidas e comprometidas com Educação.

Por isso acesse: direcionaleducador.blogspot.com

Acesse e nos dê a sua opinião para que possamos melhorá-lo, e se você gostar ajude-nos a divulgar o nosso BLOG.

Grato pela atenção, e estarei aguardando a sua visita.


Douglas Oliveira

Anônimo disse...

Olá adorei o blog de vocês. Parabéns. Um abraço,

Débora Lisiane Carneiro disse...

Grade 5 and teacher Débora
My name is Débora. I'm an English teacher in a public school in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. I and 5th grade students are working on a collaborative blog project in our English classes. Throughout this year we will pos content related to our activities and preferences. My students are 10-13 years old. Their first language is Portuguese, but they are learning English as their second language. We are looking for ePals, who learn English too, anywhere in the world. The aim is to communicate in English, make pen friends and know about life of children in others countries. We'd like to correspond by blog and to write at least some time. We hope to find an enthusiastic class and teacher. We look forward to hearing from you. Hope you on our blog!
We will work with the program: Where do I live?
Then you can join us in this program!

teacher Débora

Anônimo disse...

Olá, também comecei um blog com meus alunos e o seu esta muito lindo parabéns, fiquei intrigada com estes exercícios e gostaria de saber qual o software que utiliza.
o meu Blog é e-ducai.blogspot.com é um pouco diferente do seu pois os alunos tem os seus próprios blogs.
Juliana SS

Anônimo disse...

This commentary is for Grade 5 and teacher Débora.

Débora, I'm sorry but your post has some mistakes. I wrote in a copy of your post below. I'm a native of the US and at the moment I'm also teaching English classes in SP, just trying to be helpful.

My name is Débora. I'm an English teacher in a public school in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. I and 5th grade students (it's better to say 'my 5th grade students and I'- put yourself last) are working on a collaborative blog project in our English classes. Throughout this year we will pos(t) content related to our activities and preferences. My students are 10-13 years old. Their first language is Portuguese, but they are learning English as their second language. We are looking for ePals, who learn (are learning) English too, anywhere in the world. The aim is to communicate in English, make pen friends and know about life of children in other(')s countries. We'd like to correspond by blog and to write at least some time. We hope to find an enthusiastic class and teacher. We look forward to hearing from you. Hope you on our blog! (what are you trying to say here? 'Hope to see you on our blog!'? or 'Hop on our blog!'?) - sorry, I couldn't help myself. I don't think it's bad if the students make mistakes but remember, they are learning from you. How can they learn English properly if you don't use it correctly? I'm not trying to be negative, but constructive to stimulate you in your development. --James
We will work with the program: Where do I live?
Then you can join us in this program!